The recommended daily intakes are minimum recommendations, meaning you should consume AT LEAST 100% of the DRI each day. It is perfectly fine to consume more than the minimum — or more than 100%. However, for some nutrients, there is a limit to how far over 100% you should go. These upper limits are called "Tolerable Upper Intake Levels," or TUILs for short. TUILs are the maximum daily intake unlikely to cause adverse health effects.
The majority of vitamins and minerals either have no upper limit or an upper limit that is nearly impossible to reach through food alone. For example, you would have to eat 487 bananas in one day to lethally overdose on potassium. There are, however, a handful of nutrients with upper limits that can be exceeded through the use of supplements. These include vitamin A (retinol, but not carotene), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, copper, selenium, and zinc. For this reason, you should never consume more than one supplement, containing the same nutrients, without consulting your healthcare provider. Individual supplements are formulated so as not to approach upper limits, but you can get into trouble if you take multiple supplements with overlapping ingredients.
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